Lekhana is the main property on which this Basti is named as Lekhana Basti

The word Lekhana is originated from root ‘Likh’ with an addition of ‘nyat’ Pratyaya as follows,
               'लेखन = लिख् + न्यत्'

The word Lekhana itself indicates its action,
           लेखन: पत्तलीकरण: | Sus. Su. 46/ 519 -  डल्हण

Thus Lekhana is nothing but a process of emaciation[i].
         लेखनम् कर्षनम् तस्मिम् हितम् लेखनियम् ||  (Y.R.)

Lekhana denotes the Karshana property thus drugs possessing this property are called Lekhanaiya Dravyas.
       धातुन् मलान् वा देहस्य विशोष्योल्लेखयेच्चयत्|
       लेखनम् तद्..............................................|| (Sha. pu. 4/ 11)

Sharangadhara considered Lekhana in a wide sense i.e. Lekhana is a process of drying up or desiccation of all excess Dosha, Dhatu and Mala.

Lekhana in context of Basti
There are various types of the Basti mentioned in classics according to there effect on the body. Lekhana Basti is one of such formulations. Being a Tikshana formulation this treatment modality is aimed basically for Apatarpana of the Body, as Basti is the fastest Apatarpana.
कर्मान्यद्बस्तिसमं  विद्यते शीघ्रसुखविशोधित्वात्
आश्वपतर्पणतर्पणयोगाच्च निरत्ययत्वाच्च|| (Ch. Si. 10/ 5)

The property of the Lekhana Basti is due to the Dravyas included in the preparation, as Acharyas have advised to use Basti which is having drugs opposite to the Gunas of vitiated Doshas.

Content of Lekhana Basti:

General Considerations before planning Lekhana Basti:
Following parameters should be carefully examined before planning Lekhana Basti.
समीक्ष्य दोषौषधदेशकालसात्म्याग्निसत्त्वादिवयोबलानि|
           बस्तिः प्रयुक्तो नियतं गुणाय स्यात् सर्वकर्माणि  सिद्धिमन्ति|| (Ch. Si. 3/6)

Proper consideration of Dosha, Aushadha, Desha, Kala, Satmya, Agni, Satva, Oka, Vaya, Bala are to be made to get proper success of the therapy.

Depending upon these important variables few Vyapadas are possible in case of Lekhana Basti due to its Tikshna property as follows:-

1.   स्निग्धस्विन्नेऽतितीक्ष्णोष्णो मृदुकोष्ठेऽतियुज्यते|  (Ch. Si. 7/12)
Tikshna Basti causes Atiyoga in patients having Mridu Koshtha. Hence, Lekhana Basti to be used with caution.

2.    मृदुकोष्ठेऽबले बस्तिरतितीक्ष्णोऽतिनिर्हरन्|
कुर्याद्धिक्कांहितं तस्मै हिक्काघ्नं बृंहणं  यत्|| (Ch.Si. 7/27)
In patient having Less Bala & Mridu Koshtha, Lekhana Basti being Tikshna may cause Hikka.

3.   स्नेहस्वेदैरनापाद्य…………………. रुजत्यङ्गानि देहिनः| (Ch. Si. 7/47-49)
If Tikshna Basti like Lekhana Basti is given without prior Snehana Swedana it may cause bodyache due to Pratiloma Vayu.

4.    मृदुकोष्ठाल्पदोषस्य रूक्षस्तीक्ष्णोऽतिमात्रवान्|
बस्तिर्दोषान्निरस्याशु जनयेत् परिकर्तिकाम्||  (Ch. Si. 7/54)
In Mridu Koshthi & Alpadoshayukta patient the Tikshna Basti like Lekhana Basti may cause Parikartika.

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